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Welcome to our new site!

Welcome to our new site!

We would like to announce the launch of our brand new Depazzi site and our new retail partner Pia du Pradal. 

I started the Depazzi brand in 2001 as an opal miner in far Western Queensland. Depazzi was my Grandfather's nickname and the name of our first opal mine. My family were grazing pioneers in the Quilpie area since the 1840s and amongst the earliest to mine opal in Australia.

The Depazzi brand was created largely out of frustration with the souvenir image of opal. I wanted to create an image around opal that reflected the beauty and strength of the early pioneering women, coupled with the Aboriginal beliefs that opal empowered women and had healing powers.

My simplistic approach to design led me to receive a Winston Churchill Fellowship to study design in Florence in 2004, where I showcased my designs the following year in an exhibition presented by Elisabetta Gucci.

In 2005 I was featured in ABC's  Australian Story episode "Romancing the Stone".

Depazzi's design criteria is "Primal Elegance" with the design focus on miracles of nature, such as  boulder opal, crocodile leather and pearls, rather than on elaborate design.   

On 21 February  Pia du Pradal Gallery was opened by Ex Governor general of Australia Quentin Bryce. Depazzi jewellery and accessories were a big hit on this fantastic night with a fabulous crowd.

Over the next few months Depazzi will be introducing new retail partners in other Australian cities along with new product lines which I will showcase in regular blogs.

I hope you enjoy our new site and I look forward to your feedback.

Best wishes

Bruce Tully

Creative Director Depazzi

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